Characteristics of Soil Erosion on the Side Slope of Constructing Expressway from Tongxin to Guyuan; accelerated weathering test 在建高速公路边坡土壤侵蚀特性研究加速风蚀试验,加速老化试验
This article has focused on study of this kind of coatings by use of field exposure or accelerated weathering, as well as the FT-IR, DSC, SEM and contact angle test. 通过户外老化与人工候加速老化等方法,并结合FT&IR、DSC、SEM、表面接触角等表征技术对这类涂料进行研究。
Based on the analysis of these recorded environmental parameters, an artificial acid rain liquid and an accelerated testing procedure were developed, and a set of accelerated weathering test installation was improved to simulate better the outdoor acid etching effects. 通过对这些环境参数的记录分析,研制出一种仿酸雨溶液和一个加速测试程序,并对一款加速老化试验装置进行了改进,使其能极好地模仿户外的酸蚀结果。
An Evaluation of Accelerated Weathering Test Method 人工加速老化试验方法评述
Research on correlation of the artificially accelerated test with humid tropic weathering exposure test for plastics 塑料在湿热和亚湿热气候大气暴露与人工加速试验相关性探讨
Corrosion resistance of cold rolled weathering steel of BNQ series was investigated by atmospheric exposure test, accelerated weathering test in room, electrochemical measurement and rust layer analysis. 通过大气腐蚀试验、室内加速腐蚀试验、电化学测试和锈层分析,研究了BNQ系列冷轧耐候钢的耐腐蚀性能。
The experiment data of five red transparent PVC materials, obtained by accelerated ageing and weathering test were given. 列举了五种红色透明材料加速老化和大气老化的实验数据。